With the full reopening of mosques in Singapore, some prayer halls have introduced music and musical instruments.This site aims to give you the evidence that this practice is NOT part of Islam.There are only 5 sections, including this one, for this website.You can present this to the relevant authority, showing the widespread concern across different segments of society.Muslims adhering to the verified teachings of the Quran and authentic sayings of the Prophet are also impacted, seeking peace and calm in their personal activities, just like you.
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Quranic Evidence
Below are clear prohibitions and instructions from the Quran (underlined clickable links lead to chapter 7 called Al A'raf, verse 205 SPECIFICALLY stated to not be loud in the remembrance of Allah2 chapter 17 called Al Isra, verse 110 AGAIN specifically stated to not be too loud in prayers3 chapter 31 called Luqman, verse 6 with the interpretation process here pointing the "purchase of idle tales/talks"" to "buying singing servant"4 chapter 53 called An Najm, verse 61 with the interpretation process here pointing the word "samidun" to "singing"Many other verses from the Quran become clear when paired with the authentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. That's where you can explore next.
Prophetic Evidence
Below are clear prohibitions and instructions from the sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (underlined clickable links lead to the prophet's instruction to not shout in the remembrance of Allah because "you are not calling a deaf or an absent person", sahih al-Bukhari 7386 & others2 the prophet's warning of some will "consider the illegal use of musical instruments as lawful", sahih al-Bukhari 5590A search using the keyword phrase "musical instruments" will bring out numerous evidence at
Social Impact
Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, then DPM, stated in February 2024 that mental health would become a key national priority, with goals set through 2030. (ref: ST)Evidence shows that such noise is unnecessary, and you deserve a peaceful living environment.Rest assured, MUIS (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore) is aware of this issue from feedback from Muslims in Singapore. With your efforts in reaching out to the relevant authorities, God willing, a decisive solution will be implemented.Unfortunately, other current examples of the social impact from such loud musical events in what should be a place of solace may be too sensitive to mention here.Your voice matters in making our leadership aware of the severity of the situation and encouraging them to join the conversation with us in a controlled environment.
Who can you Contact?
If your representative is from the PAP, visit the website below for their email address or contact information: your representative is from the WP, visit the website below for their email address or contact information: can CC the email to MUIS:[email protected]or cut & paste what you have written to MUIS's Feedback page: government body likely overseeing this is the MCCY (Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth).You can CC the email to MCCY:[email protected]or cut & paste what you have written to MCCY's Feedback page: